Introduction to Mindfulness Course
with sound relaxation and Yoga Nidra
- 6 weeks program for pain management and anxiety management
Online pre-recorded program delivered through e-learning platform.
Self-paced course
The program includes 6 modules, delivered weekly at your chosen day- 90min online learning time and min. 30 min home practice a day.
You will be introduced to:
basic theory and practice of mindfulness
relaxation techniques practice
pain management with mindful awareness
role of sound healing in meditation
understanding our brain, stress, and how it influences the body's chemistry and long term health.
Role of sleep in our wellbeing
Lying Sound Relaxation and Yoga Nidra, which allows you to enter a deeper relaxation state.
Downloads with Singing Bowls Relaxation and mindful body scan guided practice, copies of materials each week, follow up emails with extra support, and information.
Daily practice at home at least 20-60min is essential to have the best outcome from the course. Only by attending regularly and finishing the whole course and committing to the regular practice at home, you can expect to see some results. This course is short but covers all the basics to allow you to understand the practice on the experiential and theoretical level and to give you the tools to work with.
The program focuses on managing stress, anxiety, and chronic pain so it can be very beneficial for those who are looking for effective tools to deal with it.
No experience needed.
This is a beginner's course but the course will also be beneficial for those who already practice mindfulness and meditation, want to learn something about the benefits of sound, relax, and deepen the personal practice.
The program is suitable for adults and teenagers from 14+ ( keeping in mind that it requires commitment and self-discipline and they need to be interested and willing to do it by their own choice to benefit from the practice )
A few of the proven benefits of mindfulness:
Increased self-awareness
- Pain management
Enhanced health
Decreased stress & anxiety
Increased sense of calm
Improved sleep
Skillful responses to difficult emotions
Increased empathy and understanding of others
Improved impulse control
Increased appreciation for life
Better listening skills and compassionate communication with others
Improving relationships
Online fee for 6 weeks: €55 (6 weeks + Meditation downloads+ MP3 version of 2 CDs with meditation and relaxation music+digital manual)
If you cannot afford this course please write to me. I can offer a limited number of discounts but I want to make sure that you have a chance to attend regardless of your financial circumstances, especially during this intense Covid time. We all need to look after each other and our well- being.