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5th of January - 23rd of February 2021

7:30pm - 9:00 pm Irish time


This is an opportunity to learn and develop a mindfulness practise. Learn mindfulness at the comfort of your own home.


Online live classes are held via Zoom, in a group of no more than 10 people.

It will also be recorded (with the privacy of participants), with the option to listen to it later if you are unable to attend the live meeting.


During the course, you will learn the technique and practice under the guidance of a certified and experienced mindfulness instructor.


In eight weeks you will learn and practise mindfulness techniques that will help you cope better in stressful situations and live your life more fully.


To get to know the practice and develop the routine you will have to commit to a daily practice of at least 30 minutes-60 minutes. Without strong motivation and resolution, the course will not be effective.


Do you want to regain control over your life, find balance and joy in life, learn to live in harmony with your body and heart, develop trust in the world and acceptance of things that you cannot control?


Mindfulness training will help you develop awareness of the present moment, its uniqueness and transience. Thanks to simple techniques, you will develop your emotional regulation and learn how to calm your reactive mind and nervous system in stressful situations.


During a pandemic, we struggle more than ever with stressful situations, loneliness and insecurity. It is also an opportunity to work on developing your inner balance, with your mind and well-being. The course is intended for beginners.


During group sessions we will motivate each other, support each other in practice and learn the technique thanks to common reflections and inspirations.


You will receive:


  • Free 20-minute consultation interview before the start of the course (no obligation to participate in the course)
  • 8 Live Online Sessions via Zoom. Each one lasting 90 minutes.
  • Educational materials for each lesson in PDF format.
  • Supporting the instructor during the course and 2 months after it in the form of e-mail communication. 
  • Digital version of 10 guided meditations.
  • Digital version of our relaxation CDs and soundtracks with singing bowls and nature sounds.



During the COVID pandemic, I want to make this program as much accessible as possible. Please contact me to discuss further options if you cannot afford this course and struggle with anxiety/stress or panic attacks. I always keep 2 places to anyone who cannot afford the course and would like to jooin the course. Just contact me.


Mindfulness Introduction Course- 8 weeks, group course

  • To get to know your needs, and see if we feel comfortable working together you will receive a free 20 min long consultation call from me.

    If you pay for the course and change your mind for whatever reason, I will grant you a full refund under the condition than the cancellation is made before the second session. 

    However, I strongly recommend committing to finishing the whole program and having a go with regular practise before deciding to opt out from the course. Developing mindfulness is a process and, naturally, the practice challenges us throughout this process. If you have any doubts please contact me for support.

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